Book Challenge Diary

Home/Book Challenge Diary

Day 6

Day 6 1. Get a domain name the same name as your book. (If you want to - can sell from the web page) 2. Start getting your cover (and back) designed. For ease [...]

Day 5

Day 5 1. Write your Introduction (Could be edited at the end) 2. Write your Acknowledgements (Could be done at the end )

Day 4

Day 4 1. Who is your book dedicated to? 2. Think: Who will write your foreword? 3. Think: Who will be in your Acknowledgment?

Day 3

Day 3 1. Create & Add your OWN quotes (or use other famous ones) 2. Add (if you wish) an end of chapter exercise or summary of lesson etc [...]

Day 2

Day 2 What are your chapters, tips, guide, steps etc Example of chapters, tips or steps whatever you will provide for your reader. Download Document [...]

Day 1

Day 1 Welcome and your first things to do Why (My 1st draft) Never again struggle to motivate yourself from being a couch potato to an ‘All Action Hero’ In [...]

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